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Certified™: August 2021

Cover Story:

Post-pandemic Nutritional Issues: A Coach’s Guide

The stress, change of routines and social isolation brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic may have created challenges related to healthy eating for your clients. This article examines two of the more common issues—frequent snacking or grazing and emotional eating—and describes how you can coach your clients through these challenges using the ACE ABC Approach.

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The Science of Behavior Change (and Why It’s So Important)
  • Certified™: August 2021

The Science of Behavior Change (and Why It’s So Important)

As the health and fitness industry evolves, we are seeing an increased emphasis on life fitness (not just physical fitness), and clients are interested in achieving goals that are more related to how they feel as opposed to how they look. This article examines why a better understanding of the science of behavior change will make you a more effective coach and be more successful in helping your clients achieve their goals.

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Understanding The Impact of Growth Hormone and Insulin-like Growth Factor on Exercise
  • Certified™: August 2021

Understanding The Impact of Growth Hormone and Insulin-like Growth Factor on Exercise

In this final installment of a three-part series on hormones and exercise, we examine two important hormones that help promote tissue repair, fat metabolism and muscle growth: growth hormone (GH) and insulin-like growth factor (IGF-1). Understanding how exercise can elevate levels of these hormones will enhance your ability to design programs that allow clients to achieve their desired outcomes with effective and time-efficient workouts.

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