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Certified™: September 2017

Cover Story:

Core Training: How to Avoid Creating Muscular Imbalances

As a health and fitness professional, you know the importance of core strength, but are you completely clear on what muscles make up the core and are you following a safe progression of strengthening exercises? Do you know how to train to avoid imbalances between the core musculature? Like many of your clients, you may have a few questions about this all-important area of the body. Here are your much-needed answers.

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ACE-SPONSORED RESEARCH: Video-based Fitness Lessons Could Help Kids Be More Active at School
  • Certified™: September 2017

ACE-SPONSORED RESEARCH: Video-based Fitness Lessons Could Help Kids Be More Active at School

In its never-ending quest to get people moving, ACE is always on the lookout for innovative approaches to encouraging people to live more active lifestyles. Research conducted at the University of Kansas investigated a novel approach to activating youngsters during the school day—the development of a series of 10-minute exercise videos that teachers could use as part of their lesson plans. So, what did the data reveal?

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Recovery Techniques for Fitness Professionals
  • Certified™: September 2017

Recovery Techniques for Fitness Professionals

As a health and fitness professional, you may be at risk for the type of burnout that comes from teaching too many fitness classes or participating in too many of the workouts you’re leading without taking the appropriate time for rest and recovery between workouts. If this sounds all too familiar, learn how to determine if you’re overtraining and, importantly, how to integrate adequate rest and recovery time into a full schedule of training clients and teaching classes.

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