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ProSource™: September 2016

Cover Story:

The Art of Intelligently Sequencing Yoga Classes

Regardless of what specific style of yoga you teach, optimally sequencing yoga postures within each class experience is essential to maximizing both benefits and safety. Learn more about the art and science of intelligent sequencing and how to construct inclusive, purposeful yoga classes that leave students feeling balanced and harmonious, both physically and energetically.

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The Movement Variability Matrix
  • ProSource™: September 2016

The Movement Variability Matrix

When it comes to exercise programming, many health and fitness professionals prefer to stick to the basics, but that isn’t always the best way to address the unique goals and physical limitations of each individual client.The Movement Variability Matrix is a valuable tool in that it provides a framework for developing clearer and more expanded options when designing corrective exercise programs for your clients.  

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Effective Strategies for Exercise Cueing
  • ProSource™: September 2016

Effective Strategies for Exercise Cueing

Effective communication and the ability to coach others to perform movements safely are essential to your success, and research suggests that some approaches may be more effective than others. Learn the differences between external and internal focus and how you can help clients and class participants learn new movements or skills more quickly and better retain the information.

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