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ProSource™: April 2014

Cover Story:

Abs! Abs! Abs!

Strong abs are about much more than good looks—they are key to increasing core strength and endurance, improving posture, reducing low-back pain and enhancing sport performance. In keeping with its role as America’s Workout Watchdog®, the American Council on Exercise (ACE) commissioned exclusive research to determine just how effective some of the most popular devices and ab exercises are in comparison to the traditional crunch.

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Yoga for Neck and Shoulder Pain
  • ProSource™: April 2014

Yoga for Neck and Shoulder Pain

High levels of stress and poor posture can cause chronic tension in the neck, shoulders and upper back that can dramatically affect one’s quality of life. With regular and mindful practice, however, yoga can offer a long-term solution to both the physical and psychological causes of neck and shoulder pain discomfort. Learn how you can help your clients alleviate their neck and shoulder pain with these simple, yet effective yoga poses.

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Understanding and Alleviating Plantar Fasciitis
  • ProSource™: April 2014

Understanding and Alleviating Plantar Fasciitis

The pain of plantar fasciitis plagues many clients and fitness professionals alike. While it is not within your scope of practice to determine if a client has plantar fasciitis, you can use your knowledge of what causes it to address problematic muscle and soft tissue imbalances. Here’s what you need to know, what causes it, and what you can do within your scope of practice to help clients manage this potentially debilitating problem.

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