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ProSource™: February 2014

Cover Story:

Upper-body Causes of Back Pain (and How to Fix Them)

Do your clients look to you to help them find relief for their persistent back pain? Fitness professionals properly trained in corrective exercise are well positioned to help their clients address the muscle imbalances and postural issues that contribute to their pain. This second article in a two-part series explores possible upper-body causes of back pain and offers corrective exercise solutions to integrate into your personal-training business.

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Strongman Training for Your Clients
  • ProSource™: February 2014

Strongman Training for Your Clients

Carrying kegs, lifting logs, picking up stones, flipping tires and pulling cars have been a staple of strongman competitions for years, but are these exercises safe or effective for the average person? More importantly can you—or should you—consider adding some of these challenging exercises to your fitness toolbox? Here’s what the research has to say about the efficacy of strongman-type exercises.

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Reality Check: Are Planks Really the Best Core Exercise?
  • ProSource™: February 2014

Reality Check: Are Planks Really the Best Core Exercise?

For the past several years, planks have been the undisputed go-to exercise for strengthening the core. Recently, however, a few voices have been quietly questioning whether fitness pros may be over-relying on it in core training or not properly integrating it into clients’ overall workout regimens. Here’s what the experts have to say about the merits—and drawbacks—of the almighty plank.

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