China’s Expanding Nuclear Capabilities: A Conversation with David Logan and Phil Saunders

In this episode of the ChinaPower Podcast, we are joined by David Logan and Phil Saunders, who’ve recently co-authored a new report titled Discerning the Drivers of China’s Nuclear Force Development: Models, Indicators, and Data. They lay out the six models developed in the report and explain which models are the most compelling for explaining China’s behavior. Dr. Logan dives into the expansion in size, structure, and capabilities of China’s nuclear stockpile in the last 10 years but highlights the fact that there has been no official announcement on China’s reasoning for this build-up. In the context of this expansion, Dr. Saunders points out that China is showing signs that its nuclear strategy could be shifting, and he notes that the prospects of strategic arms control have become more complicated.

Taiwan’s 2024 Presidential Elections: A Conversation with Eric Huang and Fei-fan Lin

In this episode of the ChinaPower Podcast, we are joined by Eric Huang and Fei-fan Lin. Representing the Kuomintang (KMT) and Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) respectively, they share their views on the upcoming 2024 Taiwan presidential election and Vice President Lai’s recent U.S. transit. They shed insight on the political agendas of the two parties and speak to approaches the candidates may take on cross-Strait relations. Both guests highlight the basis for a dialogue with China that each candidate proposes and provide the audience with pointers of what to pay attention to as the elections approach.

China’s Strategic Approach to the Solomon Islands: A Conversation with Rory Medcalf

In this episode of the ChinaPower Podcast, Professor Rory Medcalf joins us to discuss China’s strategy in the Solomon Islands and the Southwest Pacific. Professor Medcalf explains that the Southwest Pacific, for much of its history, has not been a zone of major power competition and is important because it stands geographically between Australia and the rest of the Indo-Pacific and the US. The Solomon Islands is one of multiple locations in the region that China has expressed military interest in. He also argues that China’s objectives in the region could distort the interests and priorities of governments and societies and could change the region’s balance of power. Lastly, Professor Medcalf recommends that the Australian government and its partners build and maintain a new level of engagement (through both governance and civil society) in the region in order to provide alternatives to China’s influence.

Europe and China as Partners or Rivals?: A Conversation with Mikko Huotari

In this episode, Dr. Mikko Huotari joins us to discuss the evolving relationship between Europe and China. He highlights the multifaceted relationship between China and the European Union, noting that the EU has labeled China as both a strategic partner and a systemic rival. Dr. Huotari argues that while the coronavirus has been a driver of recent tensions in the Europe-China relationship, there has been a longer-term negative trend of worsening ties and a lack of progress on policy agendas between the EU and China. Dr. Huotari also evaluates the evolution of European sentiment towards China, security issues regarding China, and assesses the prospect for greater transatlantic cooperation between the United States and Europe on China policy.

Prospects for China’s Inclusion in Strategic Nuclear Talks: A Conversation with David Santoro

In this episode, Dr. David Santoro joins us to discuss the prospects for China joining a strategic nuclear dialogue, and what such a dialogue might achieve. Dr. Santoro maintains that China may be amenable to entering into bilateral talks with the US on strategic stability in the near term that could pave the way for trilateral nuclear talks with the US and Russia in the long run. He explains the challenges policymakers face in pulling China into an arms control agreement that aims at capping the number of Chinese nuclear weapons and delivery systems. Dr. Santoro also offers recommendations for how the US, China, and Russia can realistically make progress to narrow their differences on arms control going forward.

China’s Arctic Ambitions: A Conversation with Anne-Marie Brady

In this episode, Dr. Anne-Marie Brady joins us to discuss China’s growing influence in the Arctic region, where melting sea ice has uncovered a new theater of geopolitical competition. Dr. Brady breaks down China’s priorities in the region, including its economic, scientific, and security interests, and details its engagement with other Arctic states. She also offers recommendations for how countries can better understand—and therefore respond to—China’s Arctic ambitions.

Southeast Asia’s Shifting Security Views: A Conversation with Tang Siew Mun

In this episode, Dr. Tang Siew Mun joins us to discuss evolving Southeast Asian attitudes toward major powers in the region, especially China and the United States. He analyzes the results of a recent survey conducted by the ISEAS-Yusof Ishak Institute in Singapore titled “State of Southeast Asia: 2019.” Dr. Tang explains the impetus driving the shifts in regional views of relations with Beijing, engagements with projects like the Belt and Road Initiative, and uncertainty about US commitment to and staying power in the region.